Friday, August 8, 2008

My favorite school picture

As the school year creeps around the corner, I can't help but be super excited for Emma. She is entering my all time favorite elementary grade. I can remember so much about my 2nd grade year. It went to Doctors Inlet Elementary School and had a teacher named Theresa Long. I met my very best friend the summer before I started 2nd grade, her name is also Teresa, and I decided at 8 years old that when I grew up I wanted to be a teacher. Of course I changed my mind over the years, but as you all know, I eventually fulfilled this dream and love the career I have chosen. I look forward to this school year and I know Emma will love her teacher since she is one of my very good friends and I had the pleasure of teaching her son last year in kindergarten.

Oh, and back to this picture, it has always been my favorite school picture. I even like it more than my senior year photo. I love the innocence of it I suppose. I can't wait to compare it to Emma's.


Florida Girl said...

Absolutely precious.

Taryn said...

Awww! you look the same! Second grade was my favorite too!