Monday, June 23, 2008

Okay, who am I kidding?

This is just a little post off of the "texting" blog I wrote Saturday.

I was laughing at myself this morning because here we are in the top of the mountains of Cherokee, North Carolina and I can't wait to get on line and blog about something funny that happened with Mallory yesterday. I guess I could revert back to the old days of writing in a journal with a feather pen, but typing an entry is so much faster and easier.

Thanks to Aunt Rhonda for mentioning the unlimited texting plan, I just might bring that up to Raleigh. If it's good for his sister (who cracks the whip!!) then it's got to be good for her brother to use with his kids!! But I did have a little bit of understanding for Brandon's new age addiction to technology when I woke up and wanted to grab my lap top!! ; )

Anybody else have something they just can't live without that was bought at Best Buy???
I'm sure most of us will find we fall victim to the Bill Gates inventors of the world!!!! : )

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